Veniard Turkey Biots
Longer than Goose biots, Turkey biots have a number of uses from wing casings, tails, cheeks etc to bodies.
These Turkey biots are perfect for large salmon flies or small dries, dyed to match the hatch. These work great for segmented bodies on spinners, dry flies, nymphs, and emergers. They make excellent tails for stonefly nymphs, buzzer cheeks etc. Available as individual dyed colours.
We have the following colours available
- White
- Blue Dun
- Mahogany Brown
- Tan
- Rusty Brown
- Red
- Caddis Green
- Olive
- Light Cahill
- Black
- Sulphur Orange
- Pale Morning Dun
- Hendrickson Pink
- Sulphur Yellow
- Fluorescent Chartreuse
Quantity - 4 pieces as pictured

Veniard Turkey Biots
Longer than Goose biots, Turkey biots have a number of uses from wing casings, tails, cheeks etc to bodies.
These Turkey biots are perfect for large salmon flies or small dries, dyed to match the hatch. These work great for segmented bodies on spinners, dry flies, nymphs, and emergers. They make excellent tails for stonefly nymphs, buzzer cheeks etc. Available as individual dyed colours.
We have the following colours available
- White
- Blue Dun
- Mahogany Brown
- Tan
- Rusty Brown
- Red
- Caddis Green
- Olive
- Light Cahill
- Black
- Sulphur Orange
- Pale Morning Dun
- Hendrickson Pink
- Sulphur Yellow
- Fluorescent Chartreuse
Quantity - 4 pieces as pictured