Regal Vice Case
The Regal Vice Case is an elegant and intelligent tool, it is the vise case that all owners of a Regal vice have always wanted, embellished with the Regal Buldog Bite logo patch. Useful to protect the vise and convenient to take it on a trip, to a fly tying show or to a remote fishing destination. It can be used with all vice's inclusive of the Regal Medallion Vice, Regal Revolution Vice, Regal Travel Vice, Regal Inex Vice.
It’s the little things that make the difference. Regal Vise takes the customisation of the vice seriously, as well as making them so that they can stand the test of time. That’s why such a wide range of accessories and spare parts, to guarantee the best possible experience to the most demanding fly tier.

Regal Vice Case
The Regal Vice Case is an elegant and intelligent tool, it is the vise case that all owners of a Regal vice have always wanted, embellished with the Regal Buldog Bite logo patch. Useful to protect the vise and convenient to take it on a trip, to a fly tying show or to a remote fishing destination. It can be used with all vice's inclusive of the Regal Medallion Vice, Regal Revolution Vice, Regal Travel Vice, Regal Inex Vice.
It’s the little things that make the difference. Regal Vise takes the customisation of the vice seriously, as well as making them so that they can stand the test of time. That’s why such a wide range of accessories and spare parts, to guarantee the best possible experience to the most demanding fly tier.