Hemingway's Peacock Dubbing Dispenser
Hemingway’s Peacock Dubbing is a top-quality synthetic dubbing. It is a fantastic substitute for natural peacock herl.
This dubbing has been recognized by tiers, as one of the finest dubbings for tying dry or floating flies.
The fibres have been masterfully crafted with a blend of natural fur and synthetic dubbing to make a very impressive 3D translucencent effect on flies, adding to their appeal so they attract more fish.
Great material for tying emerging shells, Pheasant Tail nymph bodies and for imitating nymph legs.
12 Colours per pack: Green, Bronze, Eye, Black, red, Blue, UV Green, UV Black, UV Bronze, Reddish, Dark Green and Gold

Hemingway's Peacock Dubbing Dispenser
Hemingway’s Peacock Dubbing is a top-quality synthetic dubbing. It is a fantastic substitute for natural peacock herl.
This dubbing has been recognized by tiers, as one of the finest dubbings for tying dry or floating flies.
The fibres have been masterfully crafted with a blend of natural fur and synthetic dubbing to make a very impressive 3D translucencent effect on flies, adding to their appeal so they attract more fish.
Great material for tying emerging shells, Pheasant Tail nymph bodies and for imitating nymph legs.
12 Colours per pack: Green, Bronze, Eye, Black, red, Blue, UV Green, UV Black, UV Bronze, Reddish, Dark Green and Gold